TV Decor at it’s cheapest

TV decor can be little costly, but there are always a cheaper way to do things in interior design. I came across the following pic of a simple and cheap way to create a TV decor, and I find it really smart idea to implement.


It only takes a couple of simple shelves and arrange them around the TV, and with some home accessories to lay on the shelves.


Cluttered or Elegant?

Photo 7-6-13, 10 31 38 PM

I love rooms that are crowded with furniture and home accessories, and full of colors and accent.

There is a thin line between a room that is cluttered with furniture and home accessories, or simply a warm room that is filled with accent furniture and home accessories.

How can you pull off a room like the ones in the featured pictures? it could be tricky, since it can be easily have mismatched and incoherent furniture and home accessories. The answer is, as long as the allocation of furniture is right, and the color scheme is right, then you are on the right path.

Photo 7-6-13, 10 35 36 PM

Photo 7-6-13, 10 34 10 PM

Robert Couturier

If you Can’t Find It, Create It

I always search for great console tables, and great decorated console area always attract me, but not always we are lucky to find the perfect console table or an affordable one, so why not create a console area?
I found this nice console area picture that is very simple and easy to create, as you will notice its only a simple and minimal table with simple and pretty ottoman chairs underneath, how easy is that!

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