Dark & Darker



Dark walls are so out of our comfort zones, but we never stop admiring those living or bedrooms with dark walls. It takes one small tip to know under what conditions we should go (or should not) with dark walls.

Light. It all depends on how much light goes inside the space you’d like to make its wall dark. the more light enters the space, the darker you could make its walls, and with little light enters the space, the lighter you should make its walls.

It doesnt matter how large or small the space is, it all depends on the light.

دائما نخاف من الحوائط الغامقه، مع إنها جميله اذا شفناها بمجلات التصميم الداخلي او الفنادق. لكن متى نقدر نغمق الحوائط و متى نحتاج نفتح لونها.
الاضاءه. شكثر كمية ضوء الشمس اللي تدخل المكان، اذا عرفناها راح نقدر نحدد شكثر ممكن نغمق الحوائط. اذا تدخل كمية ضوء كبيره، اذا نقدر نغمق الحوائط كثر مانبي، و العكس صحيح في حالة كمية الضوء قليله.
حجم الغرفه ما له علاقة بدرجة غمق الحوائط.







TV Decor at it’s cheapest

TV decor can be little costly, but there are always a cheaper way to do things in interior design. I came across the following pic of a simple and cheap way to create a TV decor, and I find it really smart idea to implement.


It only takes a couple of simple shelves and arrange them around the TV, and with some home accessories to lay on the shelves.


Instant Warmth

Any daily living room should give you the feeling of two things, Warmth and Welcoming. Your living room is your sanctuary, and for me, is the place where I spend most of my time and host my beloved ones.

It takes few items to add instant warmth for your living room, with little effort and money. Find below these few items.



Books – If you are not a book warm, you can always add magazines and ‘coffee table’ books


Books – If you are not a book warm, you can always add magazines and ‘coffee table’ books









Family Photos

Family Photos

Family Photos

Family Photos

Lots of Cushions

Lots of Cushions

Lots of Cushions

Lots of Cushions

Wall Art

Wall Art

Wall Art

Wall Art




One Table is Not Enough

I came across this picture on Pinterest , and couldn’t not share with you. Its very clever and creative, and I think its easy to copy.

This idea is kind of risky, because you’ll lose your money if it didn’t work out. So the first thing you have to think about is buying cheap desks and tables, and the second thing you have to do, is start with fewer tables than the ones in the picture, lets say 3 tables, and if it worked, add more tables.

The tables in the picture are very simple, and you will find the same at Ikea at a low price. Don’t assemble them yet, but call your carpenter, let him take the tables and paint them, and then adjust and assemble them according to the picture.

What I Would Love to Hang on my Wall

Currently I’m furnishing a new living room at my house, and I would love to put some wall hangings around the TV, I was inspired by Sara Al Dosary’s living room (1st picture below). I found some wall hangings and ideas that I would love to share with you.

Wooden tiles found at Artecasa by Akros

Ceramic flowers found at Peacocks & Paisleys


Mirrors found at ABYAT

Hand-made tiles found at http://www.narcreations.com by Najla Al Radwan. You can find more of Najla’s collection at the website. Najla is participating in Beccare exhibition, starting 29 – 31 July, 2012. See more of her collection at the exhibition.

For more information of  the stores mentioned above:

Artecasa, located at Sun City, T: 24848000, http://www.artecasa.bz

Peacocks & Paisleys, located at Lily center (opposite Al Tillal center), T: 69909463