Create a Funky Bright Console Table


I see many outstanding furniture items online and in the decor magazines, many of them which you can’t find in Kuwait furniture stores.

For example, the bright colors console tables (in the pictures below), something you don’t find all the time, but the first thing that came to my mind when I sow those bright console tables is that they are easy to create.

What I would do, is buy a simple console table from Ikea, or any kind of table I like and find fit to my purpose, and take it to a carpenter to paint it with whatever bright color I like.

Also, you are not limited by the drawer handles you get from Ikea, you can find from else where (Zara Home for example) a wide collection for drawers handles,

Photo 29-1-2013 9 37 42 PM


Photo 19-12-2012 12 19 43 PM

Similar tables found in Ikea Kuwait


3D textures
370-ikea black no 9 stain oak veneer_110x340.png

Picture 1830



Create a Table Setting Like a Pro

My friends were coming over, I thought I would do something special to them, I wanted to arrange an outdoor seating on a short notice. Since I didn’t have time to go buy everything I need, I thought I would use whatever I have at the house.

I had a bunch of Casablanca flowers, I cut them really short, tied 3 flowers together and used a drinking glass as a small vase for them.

I didn’t have candle cups, so I used -again- a drinking glasses as a candle cups, and they were miss matching.

I borrowed the folding table and the table cloth from my mother. As for the chairs, I used my dining table chairs.

I loved the setting because it was quick and I felt smart for reusing things I already have, instead of buying new things.

You can get the folding table from Sadeq store at Hawally, Tunes street.

Sara is Bahraini talented interior designer, I liked her post about DIY environment friendly flower arrangement I thought I’d share it with you.

Design your Own Calender

My friend sent me a link of a blog post you will all love If you’r into organizing and Do It Yourself (DIY).  Try this DIY calender that you can hang anywhere at your office or your house, and its very fun and easy to do.

Click Here to read the post.

Maps, All Kind of Maps

Framed maps matches everybody’s taste in my opinion, and they are suitable in any kind of space. If you are a map lover you can create your own framed map now, in any size, shape and style, instead of buying a ready framed map in decor stores, which can be expensive sometimes.

I bought The National Geographic magazine, and again I found a map attached to it, map of the Oceans, it has a color blue theme, that can match a boy’s room, an office or any space else where.


This issue is September issue, the writing in it makes it more appealing, you can frame it the way it is, or cut in half or quarters in any shape you like, it works in many different ways.

See the pictures below, and get ideas of how framed maps can be incorporated with interior designs.




Go to your nearest book store or book station, you can find all kind of maps at a very low price, after you decide what shape and size you would like to create, take the map to any framing store, you will find all kinds and colors of the card boards and frames that will match your living space.


Few months ago I made a map I found attached to The National Geographic magazine, it was the map of Africa, green and it matched my green theme living room.

To read the full post of the green map I created earlier click Here

Plant your Long Lasting Bouquet

Artificial flowers and plants are the worst choice for me. Flowers and plants are more than just a display at your place, they are soul  and energy, they renew and refresh your surrounding air.


Artificial flowers

If you don’t want to spend much on flowers, or don’t have the time to take care of them constantly, then blossomed plants or flowery plants are the best alternatives for real flowers.

There are many blossomed plants and flowery plants, you can find them all at Al-Mashatel. These flowery plants can live as long as you take care of them, for years.

Following pictures are me planting a flowery plant step by step.

Flowery plant, lives for very long time, as you long as you take care of it

Clear vase from ABYAT, and a fake leaf to wrap around the insides of the vase to hide the soil when I put it inside later.

I wrapped 2 leaves around the insides of the vase. You can get a colored vase, then you don’t need to wrap anything inside the vase to hide the soil.

I filled half the vase only with soil

I placed the plant inside the vase

Final result


Once its planted, you only need to spray a little water over it everyday, that’s all.

Other blossomed and flowery plants.




Following is another  blossomed plant I planted long time ago.

All of the previous plants are from Nour Nursery. Visit Nour Nursery at Al-Mashatel, Tel:24728515, Mob:66486253

Anything can be a Wall Art

Wall Art is my favorite thing when it comes to decorating. I used to buy wall paints from interior design stores, but when I started getting more interested in wall art, the commercial wall art and paints meant nothing to me, I wanted something more valuable, not in price, but in how much they mean to me.

Check out how I transformed a paper MAP of Africa that was attached with National Geographic Magazine into a Wall Art .



I had an empty wall space that needed two or four wall paints. Maps are pretty by nature, and when I saw this green map, I loved how it matched my green sofa, and since the theme in my living room is all green.

I immediately thought of it as a four piece wall art, and I took it to frame right away.





Anything can be a wall art, any piece of paper or a piece of fabric, let it mean something to you, your guests and visitors will feel its value if its valuable to you.